There are not enough
Long Term Rentals
in the Methow Valley

  • A healthy community has a rental vacancy rate of 7-8% - The Methow Valley has a critical low <1% rental vacancy rate

  • Many businesses in the Methow struggle to attract and retain skilled workers; many close for 1 or more days during the week

  • 27% of upper Methow Valley residents are 65 or older, and the County’s senior population is expected to increase by 29% by 2030. Caregiver housing is a critically unmet need.

  • Demand for subsidized housing significantly outpaces existing supply. Currently, all subsidized units are occupied and there are nearly 300 people on waiting lists (47 on the Twisp Gardens senior housing list alone).

  • The housing stock in Okanogan County is much older than the national average; rental units in the Methow are particularly aged.


Long Term Rental
Solutions for the Methow




We are in a state of crisis, and our mix of housing is off.

Immediate progress can be made by converting a small amount of overnight rentals into Long Term Rentals.




It’s critically important that we preserve the Long Term Rentals available to locals that exist today, for the future.




The reality is that there are just NOT ENOUGH rental units in the Methow Valley. We need to create more.


 Solutions in Action


Solutions with Potential